
Somebody asked me today: Do you like Heidelberg? Heidelberg is the song of wild parrots a top old castle walls. It’s thick morning fog. Round hills and through vineyards it crawls. It’s great Summer sunsets and rain drops in Spring. It’s a crossroad in life. It’s what gives our souls …

Messages from Beyond

It is intriguing to consider the possibility of a guiding force in our lives. A force that leads us to better places and stiller waters. But how should we respond to certain messages we “hear”? Listening to messages from above comes not without significant challenges. Often, we might fail to …

Life‘s Baggage

On the journey of life, our baggage is filled not just with natural abilities, or instruction through training and education.  Our individual journeys are based on more than warnings and advice.  The imprints of our experiences play a great role in shaping our perception and guiding our future steps.

Une petite maison aux bords de la forêt

La neige l’enveloppe,La cheminée la fait briller de chaleur,La paix se couche sous le porche.Les fêtes de Noël prennent fin,La nouvelle année pointe déjà son nez. Que 2024 nous enveloppe avec bienveillance,Qu’elle fasse briller nos cœurs d’amour,Que nos jours soient couverts de paix. Bonne fin d’année cher(e)s ami(e)s Hildesheim en …

Pour David

Everybody hurts1 When your day is longAnd the night, the night is yours alone When you’re sure you’ve had enoughWell hang onDon’t let yourself go‘Cause everybody criesEverybody hurts sometimes Now it’s time to sing alongand hang on, hang on, hang on. Regardes cette vidéo à partir de la minute 4:55. …

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