A New Year, A New Outlook: The Decision Is Yours

In the words of Roberto Benigni: Buongiorno Principessa For those unfamiliar with the story, the protagonist in Roberto Benigni’s 1997 film—much like Saint-Exupéry’s Little Prince, who faithfully visits his rose at the same hour each day—waits daily on the market square, joyfully and confidently calling out, “Buongiorno, Principessa!” to his …

Beauty for Boys

Following our recent reports on the challenging conditions on Icon Hill, our on-site correspondent has intercepted some surprising photos that reveal a different side to the story: Life on Icon Hill isn’t all bad. Groningen in the north of the Netherlands is a charming university town surrounded by rolling green …

Breaking News from The Hill (Groningen–NL)

Direct from our correspondent at “The Hero’s Nest” 1 After 15 days of relentless neon lights at 6am, gruelling “well-being” interrogations and various forms of “experimental hospitality” (featuring needles, electrodes, and enforced drug trials), the last man standing at the North Netherland facility—known to insiders as “The Hero’s Nest”—still hasn’t …

The Heros of Icon Hill

The Heros, like birds, have flown Icon Hill,Their ol’ fleeting home now calm and still.No longer filled with song and cheer,The empty nest feels cold and clear. Yet, scarcely a heartbeat has passed away,Now vultures arrive to stake their stay.Upon what once was a place of delight,They claim the throne …

Vois sur ton chemin

Vois sur ton cheminGamins oubliés, égarés. Donne-leur la mainPour les mener vers d’autres lendemains. Sens, au cœur de la nuitL’onde d’espoir, ardeur de la vie. Sentier de gloire,Bonheurs enfantinsTrop vite oubliés, effacés. Une lumière dorée brille sans finTout au bout du chemin. Les chansons d’autrefois Dans les paroles du chant …

Movement & Stillness

Life’s dance Life is a perpetual dance made up of movement and stillness. Movement and stillness can only exist together. Although one movement can and should give way to the next, much like a perpetuum mobile. Without stillness, the dance is nothing but a cacophony of never ending meaningless gestures. …

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