Nothing on the Menu

Well, my dear Fabian, that is the way life is sometimes. Let me explain… You and I now live in a part of the world dominated by meat. Life is one big butcher shop here. Everyone is constantly on the lookout. Eyes pealed, geolocation fine-tuned, it’s all about finding that …


Somebody asked me today: Do you like Heidelberg? Heidelberg is the song of wild parrots a top old castle walls. It’s thick morning fog. Round hills and through vineyards it crawls. It’s great Summer sunsets and rain drops in Spring. It’s a crossroad in life. It’s what gives our souls …

Ginger Tea

Amidst the rigors of Academic Odysseys, in these days of prolonged nights and perpetual states of wakefulness, the enduring memory may not so much be the challenges faced, but the solace discovered in a cup of ginger tea. Whether facing turbulent storms, gusty winds or snow, this comforting ally adds …

Who am I?

I am thankful for those new paths crossed,For stargazers and ocean surfers lost.For the gentle waves of Southwest England’s shore,Wrapped in clotted cream and Kelley’s Mint Ice Cream galore. I am thankful for mountain hikers so bold,For karate kickers, and their stories told.For those who strive for a greater good,Who …


Das fängt schon an, wenn man vom weiten das gelbe Fahrrad kommen sieht. Die Freude wird umso größer, wenn man das Klappern unten an der Haustür wahrnimmt. Jetzt schnell… die Treppe hinunter… den Kasten aufreißen… siehe da … schöne handschriftliche Zeichen aneinandergereiht. Ein Umschlag. Mein Name steht drauf. Heute hab …

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