It is intriguing to consider the possibility of a guiding force in our lives. A force that leads us to better places and stiller waters. But how should we respond to certain messages we “hear”?
Listening to messages from above comes not without significant challenges. Often, we might fail to even recognise the guiding words swimming swiftly round our heads or pumping profoundly in our hearts as words from above. More troubling is when we hear and recognise the messages, yet continue headlong in the opposite direction.
How do we interpret particular songs that keep recurring in our dreams night after night? Ballads like:
I can’t live with or without you
I still haven’t found what I’m looking for
Is it necessary to heed these messages? Must we consider every impulse as a profound guiding message from above? Wherein lies the healthy difference between listening to and following one’s intuition and the unhealthy, sporadic, ever-oscillating reactions to impulses of voices heard that were never there?
What do we do when we go somewhere or meet someone new and immediately feel a strong connection to that place or person? Do we heed the profound grumbling in our bowels, or is that just unhealthy impulsive behaviour? I have had such “this feels right/wrong” moments often in life but only because I listened.

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I truly feel, if we listen, we will always hear the right answer. Thank you, Sandra L. for the wise words of wisdom. Your wisdom!
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