Nothing on the Menu

Well, my dear Fabian, that is the way life is sometimes. Let me explain… You and I now live in a part of the world dominated by meat. Life is one big butcher shop here. Everyone is constantly on the lookout. Eyes pealed, geolocation fine-tuned, it’s all about finding that …

Messages from Beyond

It is intriguing to consider the possibility of a guiding force in our lives. A force that leads us to better places and stiller waters. But how should we respond to certain messages we “hear”? Listening to messages from above comes not without significant challenges. Often, we might fail to …


heaven and hell If in your life, everything is sorted and just as it should be — or at least just as you want it to be. If you’re feeling well, both inside and out. If you’re happy and care free, then London truly is heaven on earth. There’s so …

Seek and ye shall find

In recent weeks, my neighbor and I have found ourselves engrossed in intense and reflective discussions—not about the profound meaning of life but rather in an endless dialogue about the intricacies of being single. As our pub escapades continued, we consistently found ourselves navigating waters somewhere between self-pity and disdain …


Ich bin glücklich!Wie noch nie zuvor in meinem LebenIch bin (fast) wunschlos glücklich. Alles scheint einfach zu stimmen. Alle Teile des Lebens Puzzles fallen wie von Führung eines höheren Wesens (Gott?) perfekt zusammen. Ich bin glücklich!


Das fängt schon an, wenn man vom weiten das gelbe Fahrrad kommen sieht. Die Freude wird umso größer, wenn man das Klappern unten an der Haustür wahrnimmt. Jetzt schnell… die Treppe hinunter… den Kasten aufreißen… siehe da … schöne handschriftliche Zeichen aneinandergereiht. Ein Umschlag. Mein Name steht drauf. Heute hab …

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